Get to know Valencia Business Associates , you may be the puzzle piece we are looking for.
VBA Membership Process
Our four-week membership process is designed to determine that your business and our group of professionals are aligned in purpose. We are here for the mutual achievement of OUR individual goals, but also for those of ALL our members. If you are ready to join our exclusive group of professionals… here is how you START:
Learn about VBA
Join us for breakfast*. On your first visit you can meet our members and enjoy breakfast at our exclusive meeting facility. You will see how our meetings run, how referrals are exchanged and how your business could benefit from being associated with Santa Clarita’s top business professionals.
*Due to COVID-19 restrictions our meetings are currently being held via Zoom. Contact one of our members for access.
Let Us Know You Are Serious
Come back the following week for a second visit. At this meeting you will confirm your interest in joining us. An application, a membership checklist and a copy of our By-Laws will be provided for you to review and complete. At the end of the meeting you can ask any questions you have and submit your application with your check for your initial dues. *
* Your initial dues payment will not be processed until, and only if you are approved.
Meet with our Inspector
One of our members will visit you to learn more about your business and answer any questions you may have about our group. After the visit, he/she will present a report about the meeting to our membership. This occurs on the third week of the membership process. We ask that you do not attend the meeting on this week. Our members will ask any pertinent questions about your business at this meeting and vote on your membership. If you are accepted, we will notify you after our vote.
If you are accepted to our group, congratulations! You are now a member and can now grow your business along with our entire group of professionals. Come and start developing the relationships that grow business! Your regular attendance and full participation in our activities will be key to your success. Get to know our members and ask how they have found success in their membership, share your knowledge and make lasting business partnerships that will benefit both you and our group.